Facing Legacy Systems

29 May 2024

Many businesses find themselves tethered to the past through their reliance on legacy systems and outdated applications. These old-guard systems, once the backbone of organisational operations, now pose significant challenges that can hinder a company’s agility and growth. Below, let’s explore the multifaceted issues businesses encounter when dealing with these relics of IT infrastructure.

Support and Maintenance Difficulties

One of the most pressing issues with legacy systems is that they were often built on software that is no longer supported. Over time, software vendors phase out older versions of their products as they introduce new technologies and updates. This means that patches and technical support for older systems become scarce, exposing organisations to numerous risks. Unsupported software is vulnerable to security breaches, and without regular updates, these systems become increasingly incompatible with newer technologies, complicating integration efforts.

The Departure of Knowledgeable Employees

Legacy systems require specialised knowledge to operate and maintain effectively. In many cases, these systems were implemented decades ago, and the employees who were most familiar with their intricacies have since retired or moved on. This generational knowledge gap leaves current employees at a disadvantage, as they may lack the understanding or experience to navigate these outdated systems efficiently. The departure of key personnel who know how to work these systems can lead to operational disruptions and increased training costs as businesses struggle to bring new staff up to speed.

Operational Inefficiencies

Older systems were not designed with today’s business needs in mind. They often operate in silos and lack the connectivity and flexibility of modern solutions. This can result in slower data processing, difficulties in information sharing, and an inability to support real-time decision-making. Furthermore, the manual processes often required to bridge the gap between old and new systems consume valuable time and resources, reducing overall efficiency.

So why are so many businesses using legacy systems and not moving towards newer, better options? Often due to the fear of the high costs to implement new solutions. However, often the cost of keeping these legacy systems in place becomes more expensive over time.

High Cost of Maintenance

Maintaining legacy systems can be disproportionately expensive. The cost of custom solutions to fix bugs, update interfaces, or ensure compatibility with newer technologies can be substantial. Additionally, as the hardware on which these systems run ages, it becomes more prone to failures, which are costly to repair due to the scarcity of parts and the need for specialised skills.

Barriers to Innovation

Perhaps one of the most detrimental impacts of relying on outdated technology is the barrier it creates to innovation. Legacy systems typically lack the flexibility to adapt to new business models or processes quickly. This rigidity can prevent organisations from responding to market changes effectively, placing them at a competitive disadvantage. Modern enterprises require agile and scalable IT environments that can support continuous improvement and innovation.

Client Experience and Expectations

The biggest fear. Today’s consumers expect seamless, efficient, and increasingly personalised service. Legacy systems, which are often unable to support new channels or provide the analytics needed to deliver tailored experiences, can hinder an organisation’s ability to meet these expectations. This can result in a diminished customer experience and potentially impact customer loyalty and revenue. This is why it is crucial to stay on top of your IT systems and operational excellences, and as the saying goes: if you don’t, your competitor will.

Moving Forward

Recognising these challenges is just the first step. Organisations must carefully plan their transition strategies to modernise their IT infrastructure. At Ingentive, we help organisations evaluate which systems provide critical functionality and which can be replaced or updated with minimal disruption. Once this has been decided, we get to work, creating a new system that will work sustainably for your organisation. Our solutions exist in the Dataverse, meaning they will always remain at the forefront of technical developments, compliance and maintain the most recent and robust security defences.

To ensure your employees are engaged and supported, we invest time into training your workforces to navigate these systems effectively and offer a managed service to your organisation, ensuring that there never comes a point where your workforce is left confused or unsupported.

Investing in modern IT solutions is not merely an operational expense but a strategic enabler of future growth and innovation. By addressing the issues posed by legacy systems and outdated applications, businesses can improve their operational efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, and position themselves for long-term success in a digital world. Contact us today and meet with one of our industry experts, to start your journey in digitally diagnosing and evolving your organisation.

Want to learn more?

We are uniquely placed as a Microsoft FastTrack Ready Partner that are able to diagnose your organisation’s digital processes, using your use cases. From this understanding, we create tailor-made solutions that suit your business needs.

Want to learn more about how Ingentive can help you stay ahead of the curve? Join our workshops and get in touch to learn more about how we can help your business digitally evolve.